Daily Announcements

Announcements Friday March 21st, 2025




Varsity Baseball @ O'Fallon

Varsity Softball @ Arkansas 




Varsity Baseball @ O'Fallon  

Varsity Soccer @ JCA (Joliet Memorial Stadium)

JV  Soccer @ JCA  12:00



Class of 2026 is presenting a Volleyball tournament during Spring Week! This tournament will be students against faculty and the PD. Student team sign-ups will be the week of April 7th, $2 a person or $15 for a full team (max of 10). Brackets will be posted on the first day of Spring Week and games will start around 7pm on April 24th!! MCHS students sign up only, but the games are open to the public to watch. Please see or email Miss Osborn with any questions. 


If you are planning to take the Seal of Biliteracy Exam, sign up and fee are due to Ms. Grabowski or Mr. Custer by the end of the day TODAY. 


Students attending prom: Tickets must be purchased on GoFan by 11:59 pm TODAY. Be sure to check out the Ticket Purchasing Info found in the prom website: mchsprom2025.weebly.com

Important: If you are bringing a guest, you must have a guest form completed and approved by an administrator before you can receive an access code from Mrs. Edwards. Reach out to Mrs. Edwards in Room 122 if you have any questions.


The 2025 Honors Night class lists are posted outside the Guidance Counselor's office. They will be posted from now until Spring Break. Make sure to double-check the lists to see if you qualified and that your name is spelled correctly. If you have any questions, check with your counselor or Mrs. Anderson in the Guidance Counselor's office. 



Cheesy Italian Flatbread, Corn and Apple

Combo: Popcorn Chicken



School Closings:


Casimir Pulaski Day March 3rd

Spring Break March 22nd-30th

Easter Break April 18th-21st

Last Day of school May 23rd

Memorial Day May 26th